Erzsike (Botos Gyuláné Erzsébet)
Born: 1940.02.13 Cigand,Hungary,
Died: 2012.05.04,Budapest,Hungary
Nyugodj hát békében, te már éled álmod, Fáj, hogy elmentél, és más lett a világod. Mi éljük életünk, de feledni nem bírunk, És itt ez a nap, mikor csak rád gondolunk/ Mama thank you for who I am Thank you for all the things I'm not Forgive me for the words unsaid For the times I forgot
Mama remember all my life You showed me love,You sacrificed Think of those young and early days How I've changed along the way
And I know you believed And I know you had dreams And I'm sorry it took all this time to see That I am where I am because of your truth And I miss you,Yeah I miss you
Mama forgive the times you cried Forgive me for not making right All of the storms I may have caused And I've been wrong Dry your eyes
Mama I hope this makes you smile I hope you're happy with my life At peace with every choice I made How I've changed Along the way 'Cause I know you believed in all of my dreams And I owe it all to you, Mama...
You will be always in our heart...Love you...